Saturday, May 12, 2007 @
2:28 AM
The truth is out and its hurting.
it may seem that it's nothing to me,
it may seem that it doesn't really affect me that much at all,
but it hurts.
You'll never know how much i do treasure you,
you'll never know how much i love you.
You may think that i don't anymore,
but it ain't the way it is.
People say,
true love only applies when there's only one,
when there's forgiveness,
when there's nothing to hide from each other,
when there's trust,
when there's commitment.
I may be able to forgive, but i'll never forget.
I don't even know if it's all along a one sided,
or is it not.
all you could say is "i don't know".
you ain't even sure of yourself and your feelings.
There's nothing much i can say.
but only,
"i really do love you."
Friday, May 11, 2007 @
12:29 AM
i wish i was not me.
i've decided to keep it all in me,
not single soul will know, nobody.
this sucks,
big time.
i wonder what's wrong.
truth always hurts, so i'd rather not get hurt.